Kooperation deutscher Tierheilpraktiker-Verbände e.V.


Tierheilpraktiker / THP-Zeitung


Welcome to your new eZ Publish installation

You chose the Website Interface package with a clean install and no evaluation data, this installation is empty of content.

This page is the home page of your website, you can access the administration interface of your website by selecting the appropriate check box on thelogin page. You will need to use the "admin" username and the password you defined when installing eZ Publish.

If you want to use the eZ toolbar for front end editing, please login to the website with the same administrator account or with any account you might have setup with sufficient rights.

If you want to get started easily and run your website project, the usual next steps for you might be:

  1. Configure users and permissions using the administration interface, to grant access and rights to all the team involved in the making of your website. See user manual.
  2. Customize the layout styles and templates of your website in order to match your branding requirements. See the documentation.
  3. Add additional new features leveraging existing extensions in the ecosystem. See the documentation.
  4. Start publishing content in the repository and launch your website. See the documentation.

For more information, please visit ourdocumentation. You might also consider exchanging with our community via our forums or browsing existing extensions in the community contribution corner.

If you are running a business project, you should consider help from eZ Systems professional services such astraining, consulting or Premium support and maintenance.